Sunday, June 6, 2010

The First Day

Brothers and Sisters, Welcome!
I'm so excited for this to be the greatest account of spiritual endeavors I've undertaken, and suspect that it will magnifiy our efforts ten-fold simply by our account to eachother on what we are doing here. We are serving with every step. Changing with every breath! Manifesting in the lives of others a love that is without shame! We, brothers and sisters, are going to change the world of everyone around us, for we know our purpose, and come hell or high waters we will achieve our end, for no power on earth can slow or stop us from achieving our end, only discomfort and fear will thwart us. Let us not be fearful! Let us not shirkn the fray within ourselves and give place to a very real enemy of our souls whom seeks our destruction through lulling us into complaisance and sloth. But we will not be deceived! For Heaven is our aim! Let us go and be whom we are meant to be.
God speed my friends. :-)
Kyle Bateman

1 comment:

  1. This is great! Its time to break out the notebooks and record our impressions and thoughts--then do them.
