Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sometimes you've got to walk away from the car seems to me that the Lord often asks us to do inconvenient things, and it seems that i can do the mildly inconvenient, and i can do pretty good with the majorly inconvenient, but whenit comes to that middle ground i often waver and stumble, because it's not super easy enough to just say "yeah I'll do that now," and not hard enough to be like "this will revolutionize the world!" but is more along the lines of "sweet thought...i wonder if that was me or something higher...probably me" and then i don't get it done. Yesterday i was prompted to call a friend that i have wanted to help soooo bad since I've been home from Georgia. I made the call and felt that i was going to help, but we had no service! yarrrgh! but it's cool, i asked to call me back later at about eleven. Little did i know that i was going to be on a date with two friends on top of Red Canyon gazing at the stars(i know right 1/2 of a triple date) and then she called...moderately inconvenient right? I NEEDED to talk to her, because SHE needed to here how valuable she is. IT WAS INSANE! we had one of the most intense conversations of my entire life and my heart was like the size of my torso...yep...all of it. I knew that the Lord was working through us. This never would have happened had i not left the car and walked into the dark. It was such a small thing that was moderately hard for me to do...her life is changed forever...and so is mine.

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